Under the Conservation Stage, the following requirements are mandatory and enforceable with a fine up to $2,000:
Watering with sprinklers or irrigation systems is limited to twice a week watering, only when necessary per watering schedule until further notice.
No watering from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Prohibit using water in such a manner that allows runoff or waste.
Outdoor watering requires a spray nozzle with shut-off.
Foundations, new landscaping, new plantings (first year) of shrubs, and trees maybe watered for up to 2 hours on any day by a hand-held hose, a soaker hose, or a dedicated zone using a drip irrigation system.
Locations using other sources of water supply for irrigation may irrigate without restrictions.
*Residents are allowed to wash vehicles at any time if using a hose with a hand-held sprayer or nozzle with a shut-off.
The Town of Little Elm encourages residents each year at start-up, to take a close look at their irrigation system because you could be losing water and not even know it. Have a professionally licensed irrigator check out your system because it could use some fine-tuning.