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Pool Release Forms

Published: November 29, 2020

In order to prepare for the upcoming pool season, the HOA is beginning to accept documents needed to activate and issue pool cards. 

All homeowners, residents, and/or tenants wishing to access the pools this season must fill out a release form and return it to the management staff. 

All forms must be accompanied by a copy of each adult's ID or driver's license. All adults in the household must sign the release and all childrens' names must be listed. 

Forms may be returned via email at n.guyton@sbbmanagement, mailed to the on-site HOA office: 2300 Dawn Mist Drive, Little Elm, TX 75068, or dropped through the mail slot in the on-site office door.

Documents will be processed every business day. Pool cards will be delivered to the Sunset Pointe address, and residents will be notified via phone call when the cards have been dropped off. 

The HOA will not be accepting in person meetings at this time due to the occupancy level of 25% of the office space. If you feel that it is necessary to meet with a member of the staff, please email us at and a Zoom virtual meeting will be set up to assist you.

Homeowners with existing pool cards will need to complete the following forms:
New homeowners requesting cards for the first time will need to complete the following forms:
New tenants requesting cards will need to provide the following information:
Tenants with existing cards will need to provide the following information:
  • Pool Release Form
  • An executed copy of the tenant's lease.
  • Copies of each adult's IDs or driver's license. 

Two Sunset Pointe HOA

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